Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chapter 13;
 This book made me laugh. It made me laugh because of the wild behavior. The behavior is bad because the kids are brats. There is one girl named Verruca and she is such a brat she screams when she does not get what she wants. The wild behavior is funny because now people know what they look like when they have temper tantrums.
- Alison McCarthy
I have to write a theme song for the book.
 Went poor to rich. Rich? Yeah rich! In chocolate! Charlie is soon to be rich in chocolate... YEAH!

- Alison McCrthy

Friday, May 11, 2012

Chapter 11: If this book was compared to a car it would be a station wagon. It would be compared to a station wagon because it is extremely old. In this book people do not have a lot of money. A station wagon does not use a lot of money to fill up on gas.
 - Alison McCarthy

Chapter 10: Two good birthday presents that Charlie would enjoy are money and chocolate. Charlie's family does not have a lot of money. They can barley eat two small meals a day. Charlie loves chocolate so he would like chocolate for a gift.
Chapter 9: Someone who would like to read this book is someone who likes to read a book that is kinda sad. But then a good twist get the family closer together. Someone who does not like greedy children will love this book, because the greedy kids has things in for the.
    -Alison McCarthy

I think the next golden ticket will be found. But then it will be a fake. I think Charlie will eventually get a golden ticket.

-Alison McCarthy
 Chapter 7: One character in this book is Charlie. Charlie has a great personality. He is cheerful and kind. Charlie is high spirited. He loves his family. His family does not have much. For a poor boy he is kind sweet and very thankful for what he has. 
         - Alison McCarthy

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chapter 6; I can relate to Veruca Salt. My little cousin is just like her. She is a brat just like Veruca. If she does not get what she wants she will throw a fit. When my cousin does not like what is goiong on she will throw a fit! She freaks out and yells and screams!
- Alison McCarthy